About Learning WITH Horses
Our mission is to use the power of the horse druing therapeutic riding and/or hippotherapy to balance the body of our riders with special needs and challenges and to make a positive difference in their quality of life, resulting in more learning opportunities in all environments.
Our Hippotherapy/Equine Assisted Therapy program provides therapy by a board certified therapist using the horse’s movement to help with brain integration. In our hippotherapy program, we begin with integrating primitive reflexes as well as using specific therapeutic sensory and movement stimulation while on and off the horse to balance the brain. By connecting the body, we are then able to work on more specific skills. Those skills include visual motor, fine motor, language, auditory processing, motor coordination, balance, academics, as well as emotional regulation. We offer optional in-home exercises to ensure continued skill development. Parent/family goals are also incorporated into our sessions and home program.
Our Therapeutic Riding/Adaptive Riding program provides therapeutic riding lessons for riders with special needs and challenges. The goals of therapeutic riding tend to be related to proper riding skills, confidence and relationship building, as well as physical and emotional well-being and can occur either mounted or unmounted. The therapeutic riding lesson is directed by a PATH certified therapeutic riding instructor (CTRI). Lessons may be private, semi-private (2 riders) or group (3-4 riders)
The goal of our hippotherapy and therapeutic programs are to balance the brain and balance the body. We strive to help each of our riders become independent learners. We use purposeful movement to target the development needed for academic and life achievement. What better motivation than Capturing Their Hearts for Learning WITH Horses.

Learning WITH Horses serves children ages 2-16. These children may have developmental delays, cerebral palsy, neurologic disorders, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, or sensory integration disorder. Other indications for treatment are children with challenges in the following areas:
· balance and postural control
· strength and/or range of motion
· motor coordination
· sensorimotor function
· arousal and attention
· play, communication, and social skills
· academics
· self-confidence