At Learning WITH Horses Community, we believe time spent in the presence of a horse improves the experiences of everyday life. Horses remind you that life is to be lived in the moment and there is no dollar value on the wellbeing that brings to your life.

The benefits are not just for the rider, but the whole Learning WITH Horses Community. It is our wish that riders, volunteers, and Learning WITH Horses families understand that time spent with horses is time well spent. All experiences with horses are unique and whether you are riding, side walking, or just in the presence of a horse it is possible to receive the benefit of bidirectional “healing” that happens when we are near horses.
The information below is only one of the reasons we believe being part of Learning WITH Horses Community can be lifechanging for everyone involved.
· Horse Handler
Is primarily responsible for the horse and must be alert and aware of the horse’s movement and behavior at all times.
· Side Walker
Provides assistance while walking alongside the rider and provide support as indicated by the therapist. It may be direct physical support, verbal support, or acting as a spotter.
· Barn Buddies
Provides assistance with daily chores and monthly maintenance needed to keep our facility in tip top shape.
All training provided by Learning WITH Horses Staff.